Last Supper Painting on Board
Last Supper Painting on Board
This painting of the Biblical 'Last Supper' is highly typical of the traditional Italian depictions from the Renaissance and earlier. This piece, however, has a particularly ominous tone with the dimly-lit table casting sepia hues across the scene, with the light of Christ's halo illuminating the faces of the disciples with a Caravaggio-esque sense of drama.
Artist Name: Signed (artist unidentified at present).
Approx Date: Mid 20th Century
Board Size: H 38 cm x W 58 cm x D 0.4 cm
Medium: Oil on board
Condition: Good condition overall. Scratching out technique used. Oil painted over the gilded finish. One scratch that could be dealt with. Please see the photo. Interesting technique.
SKU: 1009
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British Art Dealer in Barcelona.